As our heavenly Father reveals to His children our purpose, destiny, and who we are in Christ we allow the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life to suck us back into Egypt like a black hole in space devouring a star. In the 21 Day Consecration Father God never disappoints those seeking Him and He did not disappoint this man of God but revealed Himself even the more in His awesomeness and glory. Even in the little things He lets us know that He is with us. I experienced Him so magnificently not only in the 21 Day Consecration but in the present now He is so real that I want nothing in this life more than I want my Father in heaven. He becomes even the more real during these designated times of consecration and seeking His face. This should be the norm for the child of God. I’m not talking about becoming so holy we’re no earthly good but a balance in our spiritual walk and our natural walk and learning to enjoy our dual existence in the natural and spiritual realms. For we are spirits inside natural bodies with a soul and we should learn the principles in both realms, spiritual and natural. The greatest blessing as a born again Believer is to be able to contact the Father of spirits. There’s another blessing of the 21 Day Consecration since First Lady and I shut down most of our daily routines such as t.v., movies, and social media, though I do check for messages from e-mail because I don’t want to miss important messages. And that is that we have more time communicating to one another about the subjects that are important to us. I’m amazed at how much more we communicate when we turn that t.v. off as well as having more time for the things that are priority in our lives. Wow! It’s absolutely awesome. Do you think that Father God feels the same way about His children when they choose Him over all the other things that crowd Him out of their lives? Not only during the 21 Day Consecration but Father God is jealous for us 24 7’s, 365 days a year. Let’s love Him back 24 7’s, 365 days a year. Continue in the blessings.
In His Service,
Pastor Jeffery A. Muchison
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61 Mount Calvary Church Road Waverly,
GA 31565
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P.O. Box 192 Waverly, GA 31565
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Sun: 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
Bible Study
Mon: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm