Kingdom, though a word used often in the Bible, is not a popular word in a democracy or a republic. Because of how our democracy, or republic, is structured, we do not understand kingdom concepts as well. If we are to understand the kingdom of God then we will have to adjust our thinking from a democratic mindset to a theocratic mindset. In a theocratic government there is no voting, or maintaining whatever the status quo desires. There’s no obtaining a consensus by seeing whatever the majority of opinions are and making decisions based on the opinion of the majority. The word theocracy, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, means a government by a god regarded as the ruling power or by officials claiming divine sanction. A state so governed. In our modern world, democracies usually take one of two forms: a republic or a parliamentary democracy. A republic is a democratic nation headed by a president elected by the people. Ultimate power in a republic lies with the citizens rather than with the leadership. The United States, Canada, Nigeria, England, Spain, Jamaica, Brazil or any other democratic form of government, or a parliamentary democracy like the Bahamas, are all republics because they have elected presidents. Most of us who are raised in a democratic society have trouble understanding the concept of a kingdom. For the same reason we also frequently have difficulty understanding the Bible, because the Bible is not about democracy. Since we live under a democratic system of government, we tend to assume that God is democratic. This is not so. Although many of the foundation stones of democracy are biblical, such as the principles of individual human rights, liberty, and dignity, democracy itself is not a biblical concept. Democracy arose in ancient Greece, a product of the thought of Greek philosophers like Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle. Democracy is an invention of man; it did not come from the Bible.
In His Service,
Pastor Jeffery A. Muchison
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61 Mount Calvary Church Road Waverly,
GA 31565
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Sun: 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
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Mon: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm