CCC’s November 2017 Men’s Fellowship was so awesome that I am sharing excerpts of the session titled “Be Diligent.” Diligence produces results and is very important to God. Diligence is the purposeful, calculated pursuit of consistency to hold one’s course; it is maximum, sustained effort based on your commitment to God; a deliberate, calculated effort to accomplish a task. Persons are found diligent when they willingly exhaust all possibilities. It all starts with your attitude. You have to check your attitude because “your attitude determines your altitude.” In other words, you will only go as high as your attitude will take you. Many people, when they are doing their jobs, have bad attitudes; and this is why promotion and pay increases evade them. The most unlikely persons will use their power, their influence, and their abilities to make things happen for you when you have a good attitude. Diligence is signified by a balanced life. There is an order that God has placed in the earth to keep us balanced. God first, family second, work third, and everyone else fights for fourth. In a balanced life, you will never put anything before your relationship with God. Keeping Him first will keep you focused and diligent. Diligence does not sacrifice family for any reason-period! Consistency is the next character trait. You cannot have a wavering spirit. Consistency is very important. It proves that you can be counted on. If you are not consistent in your behaviors, you will hinder your journey. Then you must demonstrate determination. You must build an inner resolve to finish. Last, diligence is characterized by excellence. Excellence pays attention to detail that gives birth to superior performance, which causes maximized potential, promotion in life, and praise to God. The conditions that you are willing to tolerate speak volumes about who you really are. To walk in excellence, you must abandon all excuses for a mediocre lifestyle. Excuses are crutches for the uncommitted and incompetent. Keep the Vision Alive!
In His Service,
Pastor Jeffery A. Muchison
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