Challenges, tests, and trials can begin to weigh us down if we don’t keep our minds and focus on remembering that the just shall live by their faith and not by sight. Sure, we all have our tests but if we take each test with the right attitude, character, and faith, we will find ourselves landing on the side of victory every time. This is a part of life’s journey. The Lord declares in His Word that He makes the sun rise on the evil and the good and sends His rain on the just and the unjust. Life is a series of events that don’t necessarily determine our destiny, but how we handle them determines our destiny. We are the masters of our own soul and every decision will contribute to the successful conclusion or the missing of that destiny. Certainly, everyone goes through a myriad of events throughout the course of a lifetime, so don’t think that you are the only one who have been betrayed, double-crossed, lied on, talked about, ambushed, deceived, hoodwinked, misunderstood, lied to, attacked in your body, attacked in your finances, rejected, overlooked, disrespected, and whatever else you may have had go against the plans and purposes of God in your life. Trust me when I say, you’re not the only one, but then we also must do this as well, see all of the good that have gone on in your life as well. If we focus on only the negative then of course you have every right to be concerned, but let’s be honest, look at the good that have happened in your life. We sometimes judge our success or failure by the world’s standards when the world’s standards are not the standards of the kingdom. It’s the things eternal that matter most above all else. When we see things from the kingdom’s perspective we begin to see that the rich can sometimes be the poorest, that the poor can sometimes be the richest, that the greatest is servant of all, and the humblest is the most elevated in the kingdom of God. Stop judging yourself by the world’s standards, but see yourself as your God sees you. Psalm 139:14 (KJV): 14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
In His Service,
Pastor Jeffery A. Muchison
Scripture for Sunday, 9-27-23
1 Samuel 16:7 (KJV)
But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.
Announcements for Sunday, 9-24-23
1. There will be no Bible study Monday, 9-25-23, but we will upload the video for the Bible study to the website.
2. CCC will no longer require masks to be worn in the Church services but will leave the decision to wear a mask to the discretion of the worshipper.
In His Service,
Pastor Jeffery A. Muchison
Contact Information
Visit Us
Business Address:
61 Mount Calvary Church Road Waverly,
GA 31565
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 192 Waverly, GA 31565
Business Hours
Sunday Service
Sun: 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
Bible Study
Mon: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm