There have been many warnings to Christians and unsaved alike, concerning the end times. The people of God should be mindful of what the Word of God teaches about the end times and the spirit of this end time generation. Much of what we see transpiring in our generation can be contributed to the culture of these end times for the Bible reveals that the love of many will wax cold. Anger has gripped so many, and the manifestation of that anger is seen all everywhere. Christians should not take these behaviors towards them personally because it’s the spirit of the age. In other words, don’t allow ourselves to get offended to the point that we become entangled in the same spirit and getting off focus on the plans and purposes of God for our lives. The Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our pathway and is the truth that will reveal the traps and devices of the enemy. Our faith will give us the victory. Now we, the people of God, are to draw even the closer to our God. Christians should never allow the pressure of fitting in with the status quo move us away from Him. We should also not be under the illusion that pressure is not real and influencing many today. One thing that is an encouragement to saints today is the assembling together with those of like faith to keep one another encouraged, accountable, and strong. The Bible declares in Ecclesiastes that a threefold cord is hard to break, Ecclesiastes 4:12 (KJV): 12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. The Church is strong and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. When we bind together we are stronger. Leviticus 26:8 (KJV): 8 And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword. The Holy Spirit is with the Church to strengthen us, lead us, guide us, and help us through whatever challenges come our way including the end time spirit of this age.
In His Service,
Pastor Jeffery A. Muchison
Scripture for Sunday, 8-13-23
The Amplified Bible
Jn 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever.
Announcements for Sunday, 8-13-23
1. CCC will not have Bible study Monday, 8-14-23, and Monday, 8-28-23, but will upload the videos for the Bible studies to the website. CCC will have Bible study Monday, 8-21-23, at 7:30 p.m.
2. Meeting with Brd. of Dir. scheduled for Wednesday, September 6, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
In His Service,
Pastor Jeffery A. Muchison
Contact Information
Visit Us
Business Address:
61 Mount Calvary Church Road Waverly,
GA 31565
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 192 Waverly, GA 31565
Business Hours
Sunday Service
Sun: 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
Bible Study
Mon: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm